Musings on life and photography

March 22, 2009

Great Great Grandma Mary's Suitcase

I forgot to mention that the suitcase Mary Claire is on actually belonged to her Great Great Grandma Mary. How cool is that?!

March 21, 2009


Welcome sweet Mary Claire. Another new family member to keep us all on our toes. She came fast and furious, so quickly that I almost didn't make it in time to see her arrive, and of course photograph the event. You'll see lots of her in the future, I'm sure.

February 28, 2009


How many times can I repeat myself?  These twins, (yes, they are twins), were so much fun today. A and W, who share the names of a couple of my favorite guys, are such a blast to hang out with.  I don't think we stopped laughing the whole time. This is about as serious as it got, folks. Have I said lately that I LOVE my job? Well, who wouldn't love getting to spend time with boys like these. Can't wait for you to see the rest, T.

February 9, 2009

Katie's two!

I've been caught!

I've just been taken to task about my lack of blogging.  Truth be told, I've been "off" for several weeks. Usually we're all so exhausted after the holidays that we end up taking time off for several weeks. 
This year my break was gloriously climaxed by a trip to Cancun. Thanks to my sister and her fabulous husband, I was able to relax for several days on and around the beach. Of course we managed to fit in some sight-seeing and fabulous shopping.
My three nephews and I were able to spend some quality time together as well. Love those boys!

Anyway, we're getting back into the swing of things as I write this. Saturday was "my Kate's" 2nd birthday. How time flies. Isn't she the cutest?!

November 1, 2008


The rest of the Halloween gang, a fairy princess, Spot the puppy, and a skeleton.
So much fun!

October 31, 2008


Well, maybe not so happy for this little bitty bear. She didn't want to hold still at all. No photos, please. Enough of the paparazzi already. hehe. Got her anyhow.
Hope all of Penna's little pals are having a great time this Halloween.